We are seeking highly motivated students and postdoctoral research candidates to join our studies in the areas of heart failure and thoracic organ transplantation. Trainees conducting basic research will gain exposure to the clinical translational impact of our work. We also conduct patient-focused studies utilizing institutional and national databases with a clinical outcomes research focus.

Please email Paul Tang via tang.paul2@mayo.edu to inquire for positions in the laboratory or fill out the form below. We recommend sending along your CV for job-related communications.

We are currently recruiting

  1. An experienced postdoctoral fellow (M.D., PhD.) to conduct basic research into heart failure and cardiac preservation. Candidates are expected to have a significant level of investigative independence with the ability to formulate research hypotheses, design experiments, and write manuscripts. A desire to apply for intramural and/or external grant funding is preferred.

  2. Lab technician to perform standard analyzes (e.g. PCR, western blot, immunohistochemistry), manage mice colonies and perform lab administrative tasks.

  3. We encourage Ph.D. students to contact us regarding lab rotations and long-term research opportunities within our research group.

  4. College students and graduates as well as clinical residents/fellows, are welcome to inquire about potential research opportunities in the lab.

Please complete the form below to inquire about open lab positions: