July 2023

We moved to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota!

May 2023

Thanks to the AATS Foundation for funding our research and highlighting our work at the 2023 Annual Meeting!

March 2023

Thanks to Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium (U-CARS) for the opportunity to discuss our work!

February 2023

Thanks Science Translational Medicine for highlighting our work on Twitter!

December 2022

Welcome Dr. Hüseyin Sicim to the lab! He hails from Istanbul, Turkey where he is a congenital heart surgeon. Excited to have you with us!

October 2022

Welcome Shengyuan Huang to the lab! He is a medical student from Xiangya School of Medicine and currently enrolled in the Molecular and Integrative Physiology PhD Program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. He has decided to join the lab to pursue his graduate studies. Great to have you on board!

August 2022

Our lab Guest Edited the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) topic on “Methods to Study Cardiac Injury and Function”. Thanks to everyone who shared experimental techniques in this fun and collaborative series!

August 2022

Thanks to Michigan Biology of Cardiovascular Aging (M-BoCA) for inviting us to present our work on metabolic reprogramming of donor hearts to improve performance. There were great questions and discussions!

August 2022

Welcome Hannan Maqsood to the lab. Look forward to working with you!

July 2022

Back to Montreal Heart Institute to continue his work as an academic cardiac surgeon! Way to go Pierre!

July 2022

Welcome Jiaqin He to the lab. Wonderful to have you join!

June 2022

Paul’s very first R01 funded!!! Time to celebrate!!

March 2022

Huge congrats to Ienglam for being awarded the American Heart Association (AHA) Career Development Award!!!!!! Very well deserved!