Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging - Collaboration with the Aging Center at Mayo Clinic to discover new mechanisms for human aging and develop therapeutics that promote healthy aging and longevity.

Undiagnosed Diseases Network - Collaboration with Andrew Landstrom, Vandana Shashi, and Monte Westerfield on the role of TAX1BP3 in the pathogenesis of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy.

LifeSource Minnesota & Gift of Life Michigan (GOLM) - Our work would not be possible without the generosity of donors and their families who help others through tissue/organ donation for clinical transplantation and research. We thank the donors and the Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO) for enabling the development of future therapies that improve the health of individuals with organ failure.

Hypahub, Inc - Collaboration to analyze large-scale genomic data for disease phenotype discovery and therapeutic response predictions.

Essential Pharmaceuticals, LLC - Collaborations to test preservation solution efficacy.